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Help to build our inclusive culture

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We all have a responsibility to create an environment for work and study in which everyone feels included. There is a range of in-house training courses for staff and students that can help give us the tools we need to build an inclusive culture.

Our approach is captured in the statement: Together we celebrate difference, value one another and are each responsible for creating an inclusive community that is respectful and fair for all.  

Dialogue found out more about just some of the training available from those who have already participated.

Respect, Values and Behaviours

This two-part course includes an e-learning module and a workshop. It explores the role that staff and students play in creating a respectful environment and aims to equip people with the tools and techniques they need to become active bystanders and challenge disrespectful behaviours.

Feedback from participants has been very positive.

Staff feedback:

Student feedback:

LGBT+ Allyship and Awareness

This course offers a deeper understanding of the rights of LGBT+ people under UK law, the experiences of LGBT+ staff and students, and how to be an effective ally.

Julie Young, Customer Services Coordinator for University Library and Collections, said:

I think the whole thing was great - I got so much out of it. I liked that it was online so I could drop private questions in the chat which could be addressed to the group. I now feel better informed about this topic.

Another colleague said: “I found the session informative, I felt like I gained a lot from the session in terms of learning terminology. It was useful to speak to other colleagues at the session, too.”

LGBT+ Allyship and Awareness training is just one of the courses available on Oracle Learning that will help us build an inclusive culture.
LGBT+ Allyship and Awareness training is just one of the courses available on Oracle Learning that will help us build an inclusive culture.

SMV Prevention and Response Training

There are various Sexual Misconduct and Violence (SMV) training modules for staff and students, including awareness raising and how to respond to disclosures. These courses are often like ‘first aid’ for sexual violence and will help staff and student leaders feel more confident in responding appropriately if someone discloses.

In addition, students can take part in Consent Workshops and Active Bystander courses, both of which are delivered by trained peer-facilitators.

The Consent Workshops aim to convey the importance of sexual consent and to combat rape culture and victim blaming. The concept of bystander intervention is explored in the Active Bystander course, equipping students to be able to identify problematic situations and intervene appropriately. Both courses empower students by encouraging them to consider their role in shaping their community.

Staff feedback:

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