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Disability network relaunch

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Our Disability Network relaunched last month and is always open to new members.

On 24 March, colleagues gathered in the Calman Centre for the relaunch of the Staff Disability Network.

Since its original launch in January 2020, the Network has aimed to provide a voice for staff with disabilities. It is open to anyone who self-identifies as having a disability, whatever that disability might be.

Chaired by Julie Rattray, Professor of Higher Education, the group also offers a supportive space where issues affecting those with disabilities can be discussed confidentially.

Julie Rattray, Professor of Higher Education (left) and Angela Johnson (right)
Julie Rattray, Professor of Higher Education (left) and Angela Johnson (right)

The relaunch provided an opportunity for new and existing members to hear about some of the ongoing disability work within the University. It also allowed for an exchange of ideas on how the Network can support its community.

Julie said:

I think there is work to do in relation to supporting staff with disabilities and neurodiversity. I am confident, however, that the Network can provide a space for staff to share experience and support each other, and also that it can be a force for change as we move forward.

If you would like to join the Network, you can email Alternatively, if you would like more information or to speak to someone about the Network, please contact or

Durham University supports the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme. The sunflower lanyard is the globally recognised sign for hidden disabilities or other diagnosis including long term health conditions and neurodiversity. There is no requirement for people to disclose their condition – wearing one indicates that the individual might need a little extra help, patience, or understanding.

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